I never learned to play chess. At some point in time I did buy a Chess for Dummies guide, but I quickly got bored with all the rules and moves to remember, so I never got beyond the first chapter. My partner on the other hand, did learn to play chess and when I first moved in with him, a chess table was prominently present in our living room. Several house moves later, we ditched the chess set as its main job was serving as a dust collector.

Then, on August 17 2009, my partner saw  this Bauhaus chess set during our trip to East-Germany.

Bauhaus Chess Set
We both fell in love with this set and to our surprise there was a book available with all the dimension at the Bauhaus museum in Weimar. We bought the book with the intention to make it. As you may have guessed, that never happened of course. Our main obstacle: not knowing how to transfer the design to a 3D-model.

We moved on and we forgot about the plan.

Today I came across one of FabLab Amsterdam’s old projects, printing…..a Bauhaus chess set! Apparently there are more fans of this chess set and shared their 3D models on Thingiverse. I guess that’s our next print job cut out for us 😉


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