A map of Europe

9 februari 2018

Peter Rukavina reused a calendar of historic maps to create something new. We received one of Europe in the mail today. Thanks Peter! I love it!



  1. Peter Rukavina 9 februari 2018 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    Every time I send something by post to Europe it seems like a miracle. Even more miraculous in this case is that it got to you so quickly: I believe I mailed it only a week ago. I’m happy it arrived in good shape. Enjoy.

    • Elmine Wijnia 9 februari 2018 at 3:35 pm - Reply

      Receiving mail with a Canadian stamp on it feels like magic!

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Peter Rukavina reused a calendar of historic maps to create something new. We received one of Europe in the mail today. Thanks Peter! I love it!



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