• Yesterday, Phil Shapiro shared two of what he calls Maker Moments in his life. People who are makers are sometimes blessed with a moment in their lives that gives them great pride in being a maker. His first moment was during the early nineties, when he got into a classroom with [...]

  • Last week, DUS architects won the Sustainability Entrepreneurship Award 2014, the largest sustainability award worldwide, for their 3D print canal house project. I have been excited about this project ever since I heard about it, because it is a project that takes time, effort and vision to pursue without knowing [...]

  • New Maker Spaces and FabLabs seem to spring up everywhere these days. Today I want to share two stories how people start their own space. Chicago Public Library makerspace - visualization on wall by Katie Day, on Flickr The first story is about a couple, both artists, who lost their [...]

  • I never learned to play chess. At some point in time I did buy a Chess for Dummies guide, but I quickly got bored with all the rules and moves to remember, so I never got beyond the first chapter. My partner on the other hand, did learn to play chess and [...]

  • I've heard of many projects where FabLabs, Makerspaces, Hackerspaces and 3D-print companies do workshops with kids, from making their own personalized objects to building their own 3D-printer. Today I came across this article on Edutopia, in which Sylvia Martinez explains how the Maker Movement supports learning theories that have learning [...]

  • Are you a maker? Have you ever in your life created an object, a thing, that solved a problem for you, or was just a nice thing to have? And if you have, did you, while constructing it, give a thought about what the end product would look like? If [...]