• The past five weeks have been overly creative for me. The reason for that is that between doing proper paid for work for a client, I hooked up with Melina at a party of a mutual friend of ours. Both of us have been talking about meeting each other more [...]

  • In 2010 Ton Zijlstra spoke during SHiFT as the closing keynote on Maker Households. The quality of the video and audio is poor, but it's the only archived piece of this ground breaking story available. So turn up the volume and let Ton explain his ideas about how households will [...]

  • 8 maart 2011 is het Fablab in Enschede officieel geopend. Het is gevestigd in het Saxion. Dit is een korte sfeerimpressie van de middag. Aan het woord: Karin van Beurden - initiatiefnemer, Saxion Ineke van Oldeniel - lid Raad van Bestuur Saxion Marijke van Hees - wethouder Enschede Carry Abbenhues [...]

  • In 2010 I created a documentary on the then existing FabLabs in The Netherlands. Their managers tell about the concept. Nowadays there are many more FabLabs in the country. Find a list of all Labs and new initiatives on fablab.nl A Shift: a documentary on FabLab in The Netherlands. from [...]

  • In 2010 maakte ik een korte documentaire over de paar FabLabs die toen open waren. Hun managers vertellen over het concept. Inmiddels is het aantal FabLabs in Nederland vele malen groter. Op fablab.nl staat een overzicht van alle bestaande en op te richten Labs. Kijk nu eerst terug wat de [...]

  • Joris van Tubergen talks on open innovation and FabLab from Elmine Wijnia on Vimeo. The robot was created by Edwin Dertien: http://edwindertien.nl/ More on the robot in English: http://hackaday.com/2009/02/20/flatpack-walker/ Recorded at ProtoSpace: http://protospace.nl