• Lisa Bortolotti beschrijft in een artikel op Aeon het fenomeen 'confabulation'. Een experiment laat zien wat met die term bedoeld wordt. ...psychologists Richard E Nisbett and Timothy Wilson at the University of Michigan laid out a range of items, such as pairs of stockings, and asked people to select one. [...]

  • Earlier this week I took part in a workshop to discover and express the business side of me in a better way. It was a lovely afternoon spent in pleasant company, and led in a very relaxed, yet to the point manner by Wiro. The best part was that we [...]

  • Hot Numbers in Cambridge, where I read most of the book. (photo courtesy: Bex Walton) This past summer, when we stayed in Cambridge for a month, Ton adopted a new routine after reading a book: thinking in 12 week years. It’s a method developed by Brian Moran and its basic [...]